Reporting Software - Financial reporting for SMEs | Client/Industry: Logistics, Social Media Marketing, Pharma-BioTech, Medical Technology

    • Automated processes for prompt report delivery and minimal burden on the controlling department.
    • Meaningful reports (P&L, balance sheet, cash flow, KPI, explanations) for data from various upstream systems: Accounting, human resources, customer management.
    • Reporting tool with 100% Excel integration for optimum flexibility in report design and minimum training time.
    • Extensive set of functionalities: Data import, commenting, data analysis, adjustment postings, PDF report generator, etc.
    • Simple setup of company hierarchies, group consolidation, option for subgroup consolidation.
    • Convenient management of a group chart of accounts, transfer of financial information in foreign currency with conversion and allocation to group chart of accounts.
    • Simple definition and design of report packages.
    • Automatic data upload via flat file (SuSaLi) or customized import interface.
    • Transparent tracking of data sources.

Technologies: C#, .NET Framework, DevExpress, MS Excel, VBA, MS Access, MS SQL Server

Data Management System for Procurement | Customer: a broadly diversified and globally leading technology and family-owned company with a unique combination of materials expertise and technology know-how

    • Web-based application for recording and monitoring savings projects in procurement.
    • Data collection website with more than 60 input fields, differentiated data collection for planning phase and implementation phase.
    • Automatic conversion from local currency to Group currency; display of savings effects per calendar year for projects with a multi-year term.
    • Various evaluation options/reports incl. PDF download: Development of savings effects over the course of the year, display of TOP10 projects, dashboard per business unit.
    • Analysis using any desired filter settings.
    • Simple master data management for selection options in the input fields.
    • Smart user management with Self-SignUp, password reset features.

Technologies: HTML, Java, Spring Framework, Hibernate, JSP, JQuery, MS SQL

Quotations Management | Customer: is one of the leading technology providers for the ICT industry, currently active in 28 countries in Europe and in a total of 143 countries worldwide via PaaS partners.

    • Excel-based tool for the automatic creation to dispatch of various quotations.
    • Automatic generation of quotations based on multiple source files in different repositories.
    • Multi-process approach with complex validations.
    • Emailing of quotations after relevant checks either directly to customers or return to internal team for further controlling.
    • LogFile functionality for easy management of all quotations and further processing.

Technologies: VBA, MS Excel, CDO based Mailing

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